IR's Long-term Insight Briefing IR's Long-term Insight Briefing Inland Revenue has commenced consultation on what topic should be covered in its next Long-Term Insights Briefing (LTIB). Read more
Trusts: The Bigger Picture Trusts: The Bigger Picture For some, the increase in the trust tax rate from 33% to 39% has prompted them to ask the question – should we wind up our trust? Read more
Amalgamation could be the solution Amalgamation could be the solution As businesses expand, a common decision is whether to create new companies to accommodate new ventures, risks, products and/or acquisitions. Read more
FBT and home to work travel FBT and home to work travel A common complaint made by employers is that the amount of time it takes to meet their FBT obligations is disproportionate to the amount of tax it actually generates. Read more
The Depreciable Asset The Depreciable Asset The depreciation rate for non-residential buildings has been reduced to 0%, effective from the 2024 / 25 income year. However, commercial fit-out remains depreciable. This makes the distinction between the two important because it is the difference between not being able to deduct any depreciation at all versus being able to claim a good proportion of a building’s cost as ‘fit-out’. Read more
Protect your reputation Protect your reputation Over the past 18 months there have been a number of businesses fall over – which in and of itself has not been surprising given the recent economic climate. However, one element that serves as a warning for us all is the flow on effect of those failures. Not just in a tangible sense, where suppliers or ‘subbies’ are left out of pocket and can’t survive, but where acquaintance businesses can be tarred with the same brush. Read more
Ignition Proposal Ignition Proposal We get it! We understand that these are challenging times, and businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to receive payments for their services. With this in mind, we've implementing the Ignition proposal for services. Read more
Daniel's encouragement to renew your Audit Shield policy. Daniel's encouragement to renew your Audit Shield policy. Daniel's encouragement to renew your Audit Shield policy. Read more
Non-BAU transactions Non-BAU transactions Business as usual? BAU is a phrase that is used to describe “business as usual”. It is a good barometer of whether anything strange or unusual has occurred or whether things have been BAU. Invariably, non BAU transactions will occur: an insurance payout, a large asset purchase, a fine or a penalty. This then leads to the question of what the tax treatment is of that non-BAU transaction. Read more
Employee Share Scheme Employee Share Scheme For businesses that trade through a company, circumstances might arise in which the shareholders consider selling a minority stake in the company to a key employee or group of employees. This could be to ensure that key talent is ‘locked in’ for the long term, as a means of succession if the existing shareholders are looking to wind-down or simply as a means to link effort to reward. The pros and cons of transferring shares to key employees through an Employee Share Scheme (ESS) need to be carefully weighed because the devil is in the detail. Read more
New product lines New product lines It is important to regularly ask whether you are providing the products that your customers want and whether there are any new products that you could provide to ensure you are evolving with changing times as you look for the next income stream. Read more
IRD Audit Activity IRD Audit Activity After a relatively quiet few years through the Covid pandemic, the Inland Revenue Department’s (IRD) audit activity has slowly started to increase over the past few years. Read more
Surviving the economic downturn Surviving the economic downturn It comes as no surprise that since New Zealand entered an official recession in December 2023, individuals and businesses have been forced to take steps to cut costs to survive the impact. Having not experienced a recession since March 2008, many New Zealanders might not remember the 18-month downturn that finally came to an end in June 2009. However, one key lesson is that recessions eventually end, and businesses need to adapt to market conditions to survive. So, what strategies can business owners use to ride this wave? Read more
Tips to improve your business cashflow Tips to improve your business cashflow Check if your business cashflow is healthy or not. When it comes to managing cashflow in your business, there are a few key areas to look at. These tips will help you figure out if your current processes are draining your cashflow or actually helping to improve it: Read more
Repairs to rental properties not deductible? Repairs to rental properties not deductible? A recent technical decision summary (TDS 24/02) issued by Inland Revenue involves a dispute with a taxpayer that purchased several residential rental properties. Soon after purchasing, the taxpayer conducted renovation work on the properties to various degrees, such as replacing kitchen units and carpet, adding dishwashers and heat pumps, and cleaning and repairing roofs. Read more
7 ways automation can improve business 7 ways automation can improve business All too often we get into a routine without stepping back and considering why we are doing things. The same goes with our accounting systems and processes. Your finance team is probably busy keeping on top of their day-to-day workloads but has consideration been given to how productivity can be improved through the use of readily available software? Read more
Collaboration and Reconnecting with WE Mana Chartered Accountants Collaboration and Reconnecting with WE Mana Chartered Accountants Reconnecting with Our friends from WE Mana Chartered Accountants We've had the pleasure of working with WE Mana, and their outsourcing team in Samoa, for over a year now. It's been a fruitful experience, and we look forward to many more successful collaborations with them in the future. Recently we reconnected with our business colleagues and friends from WE Mana. Wyndi, Eli, and the team, when they were in town for an ICAANZ event and enjoyed a kai and a catch up. Read more
Building Mana Through Business Building Mana Through Business Dan and Tui recently participated in The Gap Master Class held in Auckland. This leadership team development is part of our ongoing strategy to build Yorke Stone's Mana and reputation in the business world. Read more
Changes to GST for the platform economy Changes to GST for the platform economy In March 2023, legislation in relation to the platform economy was passed, affecting the GST treatment of services made through an electronic marketplace from 1 April 2024. We saw something similar back in 2019, where the GST rules on imported goods were amended to treat operators of online marketplaces as liable for returning GST, as opposed to individual sellers. Now the rules are being expanded to include listed services, such as accommodation, ride- sharing services and food delivery services. Read more
Questionable Spending Questionable Spending Rates are rising across the country, with a recent economist’s report showing an average expected rise of 15%. This is the largest rise the country has seen since 2003, which begs the question, where is all the money going? Read more
Changes to bright-line rules Changes to bright-line rules Along with changes to the interest deductibility rules, legislation has been passed which repeals the current bright-line tests, replacing them with a new (or old) 2-year test. Read more
Government reverses interest deductibility limitations Government reverses interest deductibility limitations With the new Government now firmly settled in, legislation has been passed which reverses the interest deductibility limitation rules that were introduced by the previous government in 2021. As previously introduced, the rules phased out the ability to deduct interest on loans drawn down before 27 March 2021 to purchase residential property over a period of five years. For loans drawn down after 27 March 2021, no interest deductions were allowed unless the property qualified as a ‘new build’. Read more
UK’s tax dept hits workers with big tax bills UK’s tax dept hits workers with big tax bills The UK’s tax collection department (HMRC) has been sending letters to tens of thousands of taxpayers, demanding they pay large outstanding tax obligations. The letters have come as a surprise to many and have allegedly been linked to 10 suicides. Read more
The Power of Self-Reflection: Our Business Planning Session 2024 The Power of Self-Reflection: Our Business Planning Session 2024 We had our Yorke Stone business planning session 24th April 2024 with Mark Jenkins from 2020 Business Dynamics who is also one of the founding members of The Gap. The Gap is a modern accounting firms business advisory portal. We have been a member of The Gap since 2020. Read more
Renting out your holiday home or providing services online? Renting out your holiday home or providing services online? If you rent out the family bach through Bookabach or Airbnb or do some driving on Uber for extra income or more generally, if you earn income through online platforms that put together service providers with customers, there are more tax changes you need to know about. Read more
Trust Disclosure regime – Insights from the first year Trust Disclosure regime – Insights from the first year After the introduction of the Trust Disclosure rules in March 2022, in November 2023 Inland Revenue released a high-level summary (in the form of a 40- page report) of insights from the first year of reporting. While tax advisors and clients alike may have begrudgingly completed the disclosures initially, the statistics may prove to be interesting. The stated purpose of the trust disclosure rules was to provide insights into the way trusts are used, and to ensure compliance with the 39% individual tax rate. The information gathered included reporting on details of settlors, individuals with powers of appointment, beneficiaries, and various financial information. Read more
Beware of deemed dividends Beware of deemed dividends The concept of what is a “dividend” is very broad and starts with the default proposition that any transfer of value from a company to a shareholder is a dividend. That concept includes the simple scenario of an interest free loan to a shareholder or a person associated to a shareholder; which can also include loans between companies. Read more
Extracting cash tax-free from a company Extracting cash tax-free from a company For 99.9% of the time, New Zealand companies are incorporated to operate a business and derive income. On establishment, the focus tends to be on items such as: whether a company is the appropriate vehicle, e.g. does limited liability protection warrant it; who should own the shares, e.g. in personal names or in a Trust; and who should be appointed director. Read more
End of year write-offs End of year write-offs As increasing interest rates have bitten and with industry sectors such as retail and construction not performing as strongly, some businesses are struggling. As the end of the financial year approaches, now is a good time to assess whether any of your accounts receivable need to be written off as ‘bad’. This is because, in order to claim a tax deduction, a bad debt needs to be physically written off as bad within the income year. Read more
De facto relationship or not? De facto relationship or not? The Working for Families Tax Credit (WFFTC) is a notoriously complex scheme when it comes to determining eligibility and quantifying entitlement. This leads you to wonder how well the scheme is policed by Inland Revenue, and whether fraud is able to ‘fly under the radar’. Accordingly, it was heartening to see a case brought before the Taxation Review Authority in October of last year regarding a taxpayer making false claims about their de facto relationship. Read more
Assessing your business’s viability Assessing your business’s viability Sitting back at your desk after a month of busy family time or relaxing beach days, business owners and executive teams should start to think about not only the year ahead, but the long-term viability of their businesses. Read more
Is it confectionary or ingredient? Is it confectionary or ingredient? Here in New Zealand, we value simplicity and we call things as we see them. A spade’s a spade and a marshmallow is confectionary. However, over in the UK, things are a bit more complicated. Value Added Tax (VAT) is charged on goods and services (like GST is in NZ) but is subject to a number of fiddly and somewhat subjective exemptions. Read more
The employees' market The employees' market In today’s workplace environment, expectations around employee benefits are changing, with the norm shifting in the employee’s favour. For many, the days of a 9-5 workday and mandatory workplace attendance are a distant memory, to the point where flexible hours and working environments are considered a bare minimum. As the war for talent has evolved, so to have employee expectations and what employers are willing to provide to not only meet, but also exceed those expectations. It is also being acknowledged as not only a means to attract talent, but also as a way to increase productivity in the workplace. Read more
Prioritizing Wellness: Tips for business owners to maintain wellness Prioritizing Wellness: Tips for business owners to maintain wellness As business owners, it's often easy to get caught up in the chaos of running your business and lose sight of our personal well-being, however, it's crucial to make time for ourselves and indulge in activities that bring balance to our lives. As many of our business owners know, this time of year can bring unique challenges and stress. We’ve certainly seen many business owners struggling with wellbeing this year, and have felt the same at times ourselves. Read more
Ensuring Financial Stability: A Guide to Navigate the Year- End Challenges Ensuring Financial Stability: A Guide to Navigate the Year- End Challenges As we approach the end of the year, it is crucial to assess your cash flow requirements for the upcoming four months and ensure you have the necessary financials and forecasts in place. To illustrate the importance of proactive financial planning, here's a case study from one of our clients. Read more
Introducing our Pacific whanau Introducing our Pacific whanau Over the past six months we have been carefully nurturing and formalising a number of collaborations. An intentional step towards our business growth strategy alongside offering more value to our client experience as part of the Yorke Stone Whanau. These alliances we believe will help all of us strengthen our businesses. Read more
GST registration checks GST registration checks A standard data policing check completed by Inland Revenue is to review taxpayer GST filing patterns to identify taxpayers that are GST registered, but perhaps shouldn’t be. In order to qualify for GST registration, a taxpayer needs to be conducting a “taxable activity”. This comprises a continuous or regular activity that involves making a supply of goods or services for consideration. This is a different test to whether a person is operating a “business” for income tax purposes, as it does not require an intention to make a profit. Read more
Super Profits Super Profits Last year, the Green Party hit the headlines for suggesting banks, fuel companies, supermarkets, building products suppliers and energy generators/retailers should pay tax on super profits. So, as we go into the election, we should give some thought as to whether some new innovative taxes are warranted. Read more
Tax ourselves out of recession? Tax ourselves out of recession? The buoyant covid subsidy funded days are behind us, and New Zealand has entered a ‘technical’ recession. This was reinforced by the recent announcement that New Zealand’s corporate tax paid was almost 11% down in the 11 months to May relative to Government expectations. Read more
North Drift Cafe achieves business goal! North Drift Cafe achieves business goal! "Yorke Stone assisted me in purchasing the building for my business, which was one of my three year goals, much sooner than I had expected" "Through an organization called Wharariki, I met Nancy and Daniel when I was in search of an accountant who could help me achieve my goals and provide proactive, helpful, welcoming, and understanding services. Read more here Read more
New Legislation: Retention Money and Subcontractors New Legislation: Retention Money and Subcontractors Here we look at the recent legislation that has been passed around retention money and what this means for subcontractors. Retention money relates to money owed to a subcontractor that is retained by a head contractor, which is usually a percentage of the contract value, to ensure work is completed as per the contract. Read the full article here. Read more
Leaky Home repairs concluded as not tax deductible Leaky Home repairs concluded as not tax deductible The leaky homes crisis represents one of the most severe problems faced by New Zealand’s property sector and continues to cause stress and anxiety for those affected. Adding to the uncertainty for rental property owners has been the question of whether repair costs are immediately deductible as ’repairs and maintenance’ Read the full article here. Read more
Tax policy from two sides of the political aisle Tax policy from two sides of the political aisle With the upcoming elections, this article on the Tax policies may be of interest. Given that either Labour or National are likely to enter into coalition agreements of some form with the Green Party and Act, respectively, and the tax policies of the two main parties are more ‘vanilla’, it is worth reviewing the tax policies of the two minor parties as this is where unexpected change may come from. Read more
Pasifika Business Funding helps Crawford Joinery Pasifika Business Funding helps Crawford Joinery One of the ways Yorke Stone helps business is working with the Pasifika Business Funding. If you or a business you know might be eligible contact us for a discussion. Here Crawford Joinery share their story of the effect this has had on their business. Read more
How Collaboration helped Ultra IT uplevel How Collaboration helped Ultra IT uplevel Andrew and the team at Ultra IT have been on a massive trajectory in the past year, most recently purchasing Biz IT. Andrew is an excellent example of someone who uses the core value of collaboration within his business. Here we share some feedback from Andrew on how Yorke Stone and The Alternative board have helped him on his business journey. Read more
IRD and close relationship transfers IRD and close relationship transfers Inland Revenue recently issued a draft interpretation statement regarding bright-line and its application to certain family and close relationship transactions. Read more
Trust distributions and tax rate change Trust distributions and tax rate change Using a trust to manage and protect a family’s business and personal assets has been a common practice in New Zealand. However, with the recent increase in the amount of information required to be supplied to Inland Revenue, and now the Government’s decision, as part of its 2023 Budget, to increase the trust tax rate from 33% to 39% from 1 April 2024, many will be rethinking their position. Read more
Global Tax Rates Global Tax Rates Inland Revenue made the headlines end of April 2023 with the release of its report on the amount of tax paid by our high-wealth individuals (HWIs).The findings were that HWIs’overall effective tax rate when taking into account all sources of income, including unrealised capital gains, is 8.9%. Read more
Working alongside Waitomo Papakāinga makes it work! Working alongside Waitomo Papakāinga makes it work! Case Study Yorke Stone are very humbled and proud to be in a position to assist Waitomo with helping the Tai Tokerau community through their mahi. This is a practical example of how we've used innovation to work with a client. Read more
Residential property – What you need to know! Residential property – What you need to know! The tax treatment of residential rental investments has increasingly become a tangled web of complexity due to changes in legislation over the past few years. Read more
Flooding event - tax concessions for Northland Flooding event - tax concessions for Northland In response to the adverse weather events that hit in January and February this year, a number of tax concessions were released on 14 March 2023 in an attempt to provide some relief to those who were impacted. Read more
Environmental Correctness Environmental Correctness The call for action regarding climate change and mitigating man’s negative impact on the planet is not new. However, there has been a shift in the last few years. It has moved from being a focus of ‘greenies’ and the ‘young’ to being accepted by the mainstream population as something that can no longer be ignored Read more
Proposed amendment to directors duties Proposed amendment to directors duties One of the fundamental director’s duties within the NZ Companies Act 1993 (‘the Act’) is to act in good faith and in what the director believes to be the best interest of the company. This has traditionally been interpreted to mean decisions should be aimed at maximising shareholder returns. In September 2021, an amendment was proposed to make it clear that directors of companies can consider a wide variety of factors. Read more
Nancys Invisible puppy! Nancys Invisible puppy! Scammer alert Nancy's invisible puppy is a story of how our lovely, kind-hearted Nancy got scammed, and a few tips to safe guard yourself from the same fate! Read more
Provisional tax regime update Provisional tax regime update In New Zealand the provisional tax regime is designed to help taxpayers manage their income tax obligations, by requiring certain taxpayers to pay tax in instalments throughout the year, instead of one large lump sum at the end of the year. This regime applies to taxpayers who have residual income tax (RIT) of greater than $5,000 in a tax year – RIT is the amount of income tax payable by a taxpayer after deducting tax credits (e.g. RWT, PAYE). A provisional taxpayer has four different options available when determining the amount to pay at each instalment: Read more
Why are Labour Shortages happening? Why are Labour Shortages happening? The labour market is tight at the moment and seems to be getting tighter with each passing month. What this means, is that recruitment for staff is taking much longer, with a reduction in both the number and skills of applicants. Getting the right staff is imperative for your business growth. This article aims to give some background on why this may be happening. Read more
Pacific Business Village Launch Pacific Business Village Launch The Pacific Business Village initiative was launched in Tauranga by the Minister for Pacific Peoples, Aupito William Sio on 29 April 2022 and a large number of Pacific Networks, Providers and Businesses were in attendance. Read more
Marginal Tax - What will it be? Marginal Tax - What will it be? With the rate of wage inflation being a hot topic at the moment for New Zealand businesses, we have done some forecasting as to what the the marginal tax thresholds may look like, and the potential financial impact it may have on you. Read more
Preparing for the end of the Financial Year Preparing for the end of the Financial Year The 31st of March year end can be stressful for businesses. With this in mind, we share some top tips for making this time of the year a little easier. Read more
Donations - Important updates from the IRD Donations - Important updates from the IRD The Inland Revenue are making it clear that its interpretation of donations to schools has changed. Read more
Client Feature: COLM OF WOLFMAN INC LTD. Client Feature: COLM OF WOLFMAN INC LTD. Colm is one of the first Pacific Business owners we are mentoring through the Business Village funding from the Ministry of Pacific Peoples. Read more
What is the new normal? What is the new normal? As Covid restrictions at home and abroad start to ease, a feeling of normality begins to surface; gone are the mandates, the scanning in and selected compulsory mask wearing. Life starts to feel good again, as if the last two years were just a fever dream. Read more
New to business, seminar New to business, seminar The third round of the Kick Start program took place at The Hub in Whangarei on the 3rd of May 2022. Nancy and Steve delivered Yorke Stone’s component of the five-week program. Read more
Make time, work on the business - Rotorua Trip Make time, work on the business - Rotorua Trip This is the 3rd trip Dan and Nancy have been on, to work on their business. Yes, they practice what they preach. Yorke Stone is part of a group of 7 accounting firms from across New Zealand that meet every 3 months with their coach, to work on how we can serve our clients better. Read more
Changes to trust disclosures Changes to trust disclosures Two changes have recently surfaced in relation to trusts and the disclosure of trust information. Read more
Is it a ‘New Build’? Is it a ‘New Build’? On 30 March 2022, the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2021-22, GST and Remedial Matters) Act 2022 received Royal assent. Its passing into law brings with it the extension of the residential bright line period from 5 to 10 years and denial of interest deductibility for residential investment properties. Read more
Short process rulings Short process rulings It is inevitable that at some stage a person will undertake a transaction where the applicable tax treatment is complex or unclear. Read more
Inflation pricing pressures and consumer engagement Inflation pricing pressures and consumer engagement From initial fears of a prolonged economic slump due to Covid-19, the global economy has seen a resurgence led by unprecedented demand. Read more
Tax due diligence when buying or selling Tax due diligence when buying or selling The summer break is a time for reflection on the year that has been. For business owners, this break is an opportunity to evaluate their future strategy and consider whether it is time to exit, or conversely, grow by purchasing someone else’s business. Whether buying or selling, it is a demanding exercise. Read more
Broader effects of Covid-19 Broader effects of Covid-19 Over the last two years most of us have had to deal with working from home in some way, shape or form, and for those who are parents, added difficulties arose with trying to entertain and educate children whilst also fulfilling employment duties. Read more
Client Column Client Column Engraving Systems in Whangarei has been operating since opening in 1985. Read more
Bernina Fashion Show 2019 Bernina Fashion Show 2019 This is the first year we supported and attended the Bernina Fashion Show and what a great night it was. It was amazing Read more
Correctly Terminating An Employee Termination is often a complicated and awkward area for any business owner, but is a situation that needs to be handled thoughtfully and compassionately. Read more
Short-Term Vs Long-Term Financing Short-Term Vs Long-Term Financing Between ongoing expenses and bills, managing a healthy cash flow can be challenging, but understanding the differences between short and long-term financing can help refine an effective cash flow strategy. Read more
Finicky Bothersome Tiresome (FBT) Finicky Bothersome Tiresome (FBT) Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on privately used vehicles is neither new nor rare. However, errors in FBT calculations are common due to the murky and complicated nature of the rules and principles that apply. Read more
Simplifying Provisional Tax For Small Businesses Simplifying Provisional Tax For Small Businesses Inland Revenue is making provisional tax simpler for New Zealand small businesses through the Accounting Income Method (AIM). Read more
IRD Moving Away From Cheque Payments The Inland Revenue made an announcement in September that they will be moving away from cheques payments as they become increasingly digital. Read more
Audit Shield Master Policy Audit Shield Master Policy In the next few weeks, you will be receiving an email or letter from us regarding ‘Audit Shield’. Read more
Collecting and Verifying Client Information Collecting and Verifying Client Information We have started collecting and verifying Yorke Stone clients valid photo identification and proof of physical address documents. Read more